Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses


Structure of Educational System
Pre-higher Education System
Higher Education System
Administrative structure of higher education  
Admissions to Higher Education and Recognition

 Pre-higher Education System

     Duration of compulsory education
     Age of entry: 6
     Age of exit:  14

     Structure of school system

     Type/level of education:     Basic First Stage
     Type of school:                    CIKEL I ULET
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 6 to 10

     Type/level of education:     Basic Second Stage
     Type of school:                    CIKEL I LARTE
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                              from 10 to 14
     Certificate awarded:             DEFTESE LIRIMI

     Type/level of education:     General Secondary
     Type of school:                    SHKOLLE E MESME E PERGJITHSHME
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                               from 14 to 18
     Certificate awarded:              DEFTESE PJEKURIE

     Type/level of education:     Vocational
     Type of school:                     SHKOLLE PROFESIONALE
     Length of program (years): 4
     Age level:                               from 14 to 18
     Certificate awarded:              DEFTESE PJEKURIE

     Type/level of education:    Prevocational
     Type of school:                    SHKOLLE E ULTE PROFESIONALE
     Length of program (years): 3
     Age level:                              from 14 to 17
     Certificate awarded:             PUNETOR I KUALIFIKUAR

     Description of secondary school system
Secondary education consists of the ninth through twelfth grades, which are taught in the skolle 3 mesme (middle school). Admission to middle school requires a Deftese Lirimi (Leaving Certificate) from a shkolle 8-vjkcare (eight-year school).

Higher Education System

     Structure of system
The higher education system in Albania consists of seven universities, one academy and two institutes divided into faculties.

     Main types of higher education institutions in country

     Type of institution:  UNIVERSITET
     Translation:               UNIVERSITY

     Type of institution:  INSTITUT I LARTE
     Translation:               HIGHER INSTITUTE

     Type of institution:  AKADEMI
     Translation:               ACADEMY

     Main laws/decrees governing higher education

     Name of law/decree:        Law on Higher Education (project)
     Date:                      1993
     Institution type:  University, non-university and post-university schools.

Administrative structure of higher education

     Name of body:      Ministry of Education

          Street: Kongresi i Permetit
          City: Tirana
          Telephone: 355-42-6307
          Telex: 4203 minars ab
          Fax: 355-42-32002

     Name of body:      Ministry of Higher Education and Research

          Street: Bul. Jhan d'Ark, 2
          City: Tirana
          Telephone: 355-42-28371
          Fax: 355-42-27975

     Academic year
     Classes start:     September
     Classes end:       June

     Languages of instruction

Stages and Organization of Higher Education Studies

     Higher vocational/technical studies

Beginning with the 1993-1994 academic year, the medical middle school has been upgraded to a post-secondary institution.

     University level studies

     Stage 1:     Diplome

Description: The first stage of higher education in Albania takes on average 4 to 5 years, but also 6 and 3 years (4 years with most disciplines, 4-5 years in engineering, 6 years in medicine, 3 years for teaching in primary and secondary school). A titull (title) is conferred.

     Stage 2:     Shkalle e pare e kualifikimit pasuniversitar

Description: Postgraduate studies lasting 2 - 3  years after completion of the first stage of higher education, leading to the award of the Kandidat i Shkencave degree.

     Stage 3:     Shkallee e dyte e kualifikimit

Description: Individual study and research is common (without being detached from daily work) leading to the award of the Doktor i Shkencave degree. Admission prerequisites: research and scientific activities and publications. There is no examinations. The candidate must prepare and defend a dissertation thesis. No grading system exists.

     Teacher education

     Training of primary/basic school teachers

Teachers for the cerdhe femijesh (nursery or child care facility) and kopsht femijesh (kindergarten): 4 years at the shkolle e mesme pedagogjike (pedagogical middle school). On graduation they receive a Deftese Pjekurie (Certificate of Maturity) and the title of edukator/edukatore. Teachers for the lower cycle of the eight-year school: 3 years at a higher education institution. Teachers for upper cycle: 4 years in academic area plus education courses and practice training.

     Training of secondary school teachers

Teachers for middle school: 4 years in academic area plus education courses and practice training.

     Training of higher education teachers

Certification of teachers depends on their first and second degrees, post-university studies and the defence of a dissertation or doctoral thesis. The rank of professor requires the degree of Doctor in Sciences and a background of extensive research, teaching and publishing. A docent is an experienced researcher and instructor holding the Candidate of Sciences degree. There are also two types of teaching positions at higher education institutions that do not require a scientific degree: pedagog and assistant, who must hold a diploma with excellent grades.

     Non-formal studies

     Distance higher education

Part-time higher education - correspondence courses.

     Lifelong higher education

Continuing education courses are offered for diploma holders who have a good academic background plus at least two years of work experience in their field. The courses are offered for employment purposes. They are not academic programmes. Upon completion of these courses, a deshmi (certificate) is issued. It may indicate a grade for the course.

Grading system

     Usual grading system in (upper) secondary school
10-dhete: excellent; 9-nente: very good; 8-tete: good; 7-shtate: average; 6-gjashte: satisfactory; 5-pese: lowest passing grade; 4-kater; 3-tre, tri; 2-dy; 1-nje.

     Highest on scale:  10
     Pass/fail level:           5/4
     Lowest on scale:   1

     Main grading system generally used by higher education institutions
10-dhete: excellent; 9-nente: very good; 8-tete: good; 7-shtate: average; 6-gjashte: satisfactory; 5-pese: lowest passing grade; 4-kater; 3-tre, tri; 2-dy; 1-nje.

     Highest on scale:  10
     Pass/fail level:           5-4
     Lowest on scale:   1

Admissions to Higher Education

     Admission to Vocational/Technical Studies

     Admission to higher vocational/technical or other professionally oriented non-university level studies

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: DEFTESE PJEKURIE
     For: all programmes.
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

     National admission entrance examination requirements
     Name of test/exam: ENTRANCE EXAMINATION
     For: all programmes.

     Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering higher vocational/technical education
     At level of institutions: Y       At country/state level: N

     Admissions to university level

     Secondary school credential/certificate/diploma(s) required for entry

     Name of sec. school credential: DEFTESE PJEKURIE
     For: all programmes.
     Total number of years of primary and secondary school study: 12

     National admission entrance examination requirements

     Name of test/exam: ENTRANCE EXAMINATION
     For: certain faculties.

     Numerus clausus established in the country for students entering university level education
     At level of institutions: Y          At country/state level: N

Recognition of studies and qualifications

     Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in foreign countries

     Bodies primarily addressing questions relating to the recognition of foreign credentials and studies in higher education

     Name of body: Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education.
          Street: Duresi Str.
          City: Tirana
          Telephone: 355-42-25987
          Telex: 4203 minars ab
          Fax: 355-42-28304

Student services

     Main student services at national level

     Principal national student associations and unions

     Name: Albanian Union of Students

International Cooperation

Principal national bodies responsible for facilitating international cooperation and exchanges in higher education

     Name: Ministry of Education
          Street: Kongresi i Permetit
          City: Tirana
          Telephone: 355-42-6307
          Telex: 4203 minars ab
          Fax: 355-42-32002

     Name: Committee of Sciences and Technology

Participation of country in multilateral or major bilateral higher education exchange programmes

     Name of programme: TEMPUS
     Name of programme: Go East


     Date:         1995/1996
     Source:     International Association of Universities (IAU)