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International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management

Degree awarded
Joint Master Degree

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Coupure Links 653, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Ghent University, Belgium (Coordinator)
Uppsala Univeritet, Sweden
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management

Sudy SINReM because

A new generation of professionals is needed due to the increasing demand for raw materials, their price volatility, the production concentration and the depletion of raw material deposits. This causes challenges along the entire value chain of natural resources.

To tackle this supply risk challenge and to deal with environmental problems arising from large emissions of waste (such as CO2), technological innovation is required with respect to exploration of new resources and sustainable primary mining, sustainable use of resources in specific products and production processes (e.g. substitution of critical metals in materials), reduction of waste generation, valorization of secondary (alternative) resources and recovery/recycling of resources from end-of-life products.