Study Abroad
Study Guide to Masters and Bachelors Degree Courses

Brunel University
Department of Design


Address Faculty of Technology & Information Systems, Department of Design, Runnymede Campus, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0JZ
Tel. No. +44 (0) 1784 431341
Fax No. +44 (0) 1784 472879
Undergraduate Courses
  • BSc Industrial Design
  • BSc Industrial Design Engineering
  • BSc Product Design
  • BA Industrial Design & Technology


    About the University

    Brunel University was established in 1966 by Royal Charter and has grown to an annual student intake of over 12,000 students. There are four campuses, the main campus being at Uxbridge some three miles north of Heathrow Airport, London's main National Airport. The Runnymede campus is some six miles to the Southwest at Egham with the third campus at Twickenham and further campus at Osterley.

    The University offers courses in the Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Arts and Technology, mainly located at Uxbridge, in Industrial Design and Product Design on the Runnymede campus, Education and Social Work on the Twickenham campus and Sports Science, Health Studies and Business Studies on the Osterley campus.


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